
If U ever heard of a divorce due to snoring, trust me I wouldnt b surprised... :)

Yesterday when my hubby was snoring away to glory, I was thinking of what is the easiest way to get a deeep sleeeeep... While finding my way to go to sleeeep, the whole dream was about me writing a blog on this Snoring.. just making my dream a reality...

Funny quote that I saw about Snoring:-

"Laugh and the world laughs with you; snore, and you sleep alone!"
    -Anthony Burgess

Listening to Snoring I now realize there are also different patterns of snoring..

My classification of snoring:-

* Burp Snore - This type of snoring is where you hear only burp kind of sounds within an interval of  10 secs

* Train Whistle - Once in a while, it goes slow and then increases.. Does remind you of Hogwarts Express

* Normal Snore - Quite a snoring tune which most people do.. zzzzzz... zzzzzz... zzzzzz..zzzz

So far this is what I have experienced.. Surely this isn't a lullaby for my ears and I am sure there will be many like me who would like to know the easiest way to stop this buzzing sound when it gets into the ears and then to the nerves...

Next time when U see a wrinkle in my eyes dont blame my age.. It s all your fault...(feeels so good when U really have someone to blame upon :P :P )....

PS: this s just my random thoughts :).. No offence to anyone who snores away to glory!!!

Snoring off oops Signing off ;)....



  1. he he he! now you have given my wife ideas on how to classify her sleep every morning. :)

    1. lolz! I am all set to hear the Classification :D

  2. Hmm.. Nice.. Job resign cheyyandaayirunnu ennu thonnunnundo..??

    1. No job helps me in continuing my beauty sleep after he gets up.. So no regrets there :P :P :P

  3. Replies
    1. Mote.. Haso mat :P :P... Tu bhi aisa hi hoga.. Moteeeeee! :D.. Thanks for reading dear :)

  4. hahah someone's secret is out for the whole wide web to read! :D


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