The Valley Forge Bike Ride

In American History, they say Valley Forge has found it's own place in its own way. Even though the place could not afford all the comforts needed for the exhausted soldiers, the soldiers found comfort in this place. And today, we get to see the comforts they sought, how they could regain their strength to fight the wars.
And today, me & my hubby rent a bike to see what Valley forge has to offer. The morning breeze and not so hot sun, what more can I ask for when I say I need a beautiful weather.

Helmet set!Cycle Set! And we started exploration.. Since we have explored much of the trail via walking, we were simply enjoying the bike ride with the light breeze falling to our face. As we pass the National Memorial Arch ( a place we come quite often during winter), we enter the Wayne's Woods.. It is one of my favorite path to walk or just to be. Parked our bike for a while and enjoyed the shades of the big trees. 

That's me, resting in the shades


A perfect place to rest..

Then as we entered the J.P.Martin Trail, a small uphill hike and then it was all downhill.. Woooohoooo.. there I go... and we enter the Knox Quarters Area.. Most of the places around are not open to public.. and as we further go we cross a small bridge via the creek! Yet again, it was a place I discovered during the long walks during the winter season!And I was so happy to show this place to Mr Z :). Further from there, I came across a Library. And from that moment on I am quite obsessed with that Library. A white Beautiful mansion with french windows. A Beautiful porch in the front... All I could imagine was having a cup of coffee with a book in hand and the rain pouring outside. Now that when I think about it, even having the fall colors outside will be beautiful. But being the Indian that I am, Rain has a special place in my heart!Blame it on the bollywood movies :). Well there are two places in India where I would vouch to be while raining... Calicut (my hometown) and Mangalore (my second love).. In Fact Pune tooo... Probably rain and Indian cities will b my next topic :D... Let's get back to imagining the library during fall season... The Library is open to public, but have to take an appointment!That is next in my bucket list. Probably Mr Z shouldn't be reading this as he would have a bucket list of ways to kill me :P...
Leaving my imagination and coming to reality, we pass the Covered Bridge.. 

That is the covered bridge..
As we continue the ride, it was so beautiful to have the creek by the side and water flowing along with us....

        The valley creek

Saying a hello and a thank you we continued our ride uphill through the valley creek trail.. Slowly my body started giving signs of our almost 3.5 miles ride. Took a small break and we completed the uphill and then the downhill... This time I was Flying!The hilarious moment.. As Mr Z was turned back to see if I am still following him, he saw me go past him in such speed that he was quite confident of taking me to hospital.. zoooooooom... And lucky for me, there was no one in the path and the cycle came to halt few metres away from Z. For few minutes we couldnt stop laughing and later we resumed our trip...And then we reached the Washington's Headquarters. Brushed up a bit of history, and saw the George Washington's Statue. As per Washington's family, this statue is the one closest to resemble him. Spotted the barns, stables and huts, we rested in the shade for a while...

Statue of George Washington

At this point, my body was finding it a little difficult to climb uphill but still it couldn't stop me from riding... we pass the Varnum's Picnic Area, which I found to be a quaint place. As we pass by the Washington Memorial chapel, the bells chimed with the breeze with a note of love. This last lap of our ride was our favorite. ( not because it was the last lap :P )With the light breeze, we were just swaying and nodding our head and seeing the mighty majestic forest view what Valley Forge was offering us. Slowly, slowly we reached back where we started and it was time to return our bikes. Hugged Z and thanked him for taking me for this ride. A ride of this Summer 2015 :). And the truth is in Summer, Valley Forge is like a Summer Beauty with all her hair out and making everyone turn Green with her Green luscious beauty.


Glimpse of Z & me during the last lap.

On a Lighter Note:-
Factors which favored the bike ride is the fact that the Lunch was already there in the fridge and yeas the weather :P

Finally after a long time, welcoming the Summer...


  1. Nice blog Narin. Wish I read this before I went there, may be I would have take a different path to run...


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