To My Uppa

      Aaah.. That afternoon breeze during the summer ( yeas, the Summer has officially kick started today here in US).... the whole world is busy celebrating the Father's day & the International Yoga Day!!! Though I love the fact of celebrating Father's day, it isn't the only day I let my father know that I love him! He has been my favorite ever since I can remember...In this world, when I am trying to balance out my life making sure that I am not overdoing things, I have a Father who had shown me how to balance...

He did scold me when I did mistake, but he made sure that he shows his affection equally..
He gave me all the freedom, but made me understand the limits of freedom... 
He made me understand what is right and what is wrong. 
He never dictated me his choices, though he would guide me whenever I needed him. 
He has shown me how to enjoy the life, appreciate the moments be it big or small.
He taught me values. Values of respecting elders, respecting each morsel we eat , respecting the gifts we receive. 
He would try to be Shahrukh, so that he can be my favorite hero. For now, since Shahrukh is is old, he is the new Ranbir Kapoor :). 
From him I have got this wanderlust feeling!
Oh Papa, you are the best and you will always be!

It is a secret desire that I have to be his favorite first, but I know his heart is dedicated to my mother and then it is divided amongst his favorite people. His parents, siblings, friends and then to his first kid and favorite daughter, to his second kid and son whom he has taken care of from day one ( come on Innus, no one can take that away from you ), our favorite of all , Nadeem , who definitely reminds Uppa of his own childhood :) & last but not least , his son-in-law, who take cares of his precious one!

Thank you Uppa for raising us in the best way you could! You have definitely provided us with best of things and best of childhood memories.. The trips to the beach, each and every place possible in Saudi Arabia and India... A mere Thank you will never suffice! But hopefully we can live it up to by living with the values you taught us and be with you, in Jannah ( Ameen).

Love always, 
Your Poocha Kutty :)


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